
I've been waiting for it for a long time// RONRIDA - NON NON NON Snacks is here!

Tiger celebrates Chinese New Year with great vigour, and all the snacks are ready to be launched.

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Reduced sugar, not sweet, and a new healthy experience!!!!

With the rise of the healthy light food concept, more and more consumers want to reduce their sugar intake and they prefer to buy sugar-free or reduced sugar products.

It's the autumn Mirad feeling!!!!

In autumn Whether it's what you wear or what you eat, Murad is feeling extra ambient!

I've got all the looks you want - Cookie Dough

soft and tough, warm and dense, teeth and cheeks while feeling the fluffy and delicate

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Zhengzhou Ronlida Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

Address: Unit 2, Building 7, Enterprise Park, High-tech Zone, Zhengzhou, China (at the crossroad between the Science Avenue and the West Fourth Ring Road)

Contact: Nancy&Gawin
Tel: +86-18595881087


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